Our Services

We offer fresh bouquets and unique flower arrangements for any occasion.

Exclusive custom bouquets

We create unique bouquets to order, taking into account your preferences and style. We will select the perfect flowers for any occasion: from romantic dates to corporate events.

Flower arrangements for festive events

We provide services for decorating events with flower arrangements, including decorating tables, arches, walls and other elements for weddings, anniversaries, holidays.

Interior landscaping services

We will help you create a green atmosphere in the room, selecting indoor plants and flower arrangements that are suitable for home or office.

Flower and plant care

We provide flower and plant care services, including replanting, pruning and regular care, so that your plants will delight you for many years.

Design of shop windows and stores

We create stylish flower decor for shop windows, restaurants and cafes, giving your business a special charm and attracting the attention of customers.

Flower selection for photo shoots

We select flower arrangements for photo shoots, whether for weddings, advertising or personal shoots. We will create stylish accents for your photos.